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Blockchain and the Mobile App Development Industry

Blockchain and the App Industry

We hear “Blockchain” all the time as the technology tracking business processes. Most major Fortune 500 companies have explored their technology, but how could Blockchain have an effect on the development of your company’s mobile app?

Blockchain,broken down, is the technology tracking every transaction, creating a “block” with a timestamp keeping records that anyone can view, but no one person can alter. This ensures that business operations are kept honest and legitimate without interference from a third party, explaining why most Fortune 500 companies and other businesses around the world use the technology for the high levels of security and confidentiality they offer.

Logically, Blockchain can play a huge role in financial transaction technology, such as Bitcoin. Many new mobile apps being launched in our modern world use technologies like Bitcoin, or something similar. This is where utilizing Blockchain comes in. Many marketplace apps are now being created, promoting social payments by means of bitcoin and digital transactions. This enables users to buy and sell goods with each purchase monitored and driven by Blockchain, tracking each exchange while securing the actual contents (money) within the exchange. In gaining recognition for its benefits, it has even been announced that iOS will now allow blockchain payment, further promoting social payment systems through mobile apps.

The reach of Blockchain technology has already extended into a vast variety of industries, but for those mobile developers who have yet to catch word, the benefits Blockchain offers are not something to overlook when creating your company’s app. This technology is the future of digital marketplaces, granting you higher degrees of consumer protection and keeping your work, as well as your consumers’ transactions, confidential. If you are looking to expand your business and go mobile, consider using the Blockchain system as you start the development of your app.

Mobile App Development 101: Get on the Road to Developing an App for your Business

If you have just begun your own company, or are looking to update your marketing, outreach or technological business plans, you may be asking yourself, how do I develop a mobile app?  If you have asked yourself this question, you have certainly taken the successful first step.  Mobile apps have become increasingly more important for businesses of all sizes, as smartphones and tablets are becoming the device of choice for browsing the web. Users commonly report that applications are much easier to use on these devices than an internet browser. So what is the next step to successful mobile application development?  A Long Island app developer will certainly knows the ins and outs, the complexities and the intricacies, and how to go about actually building you a mobile app; however, there are certain fundamentals all business owners should know before beginning the app development process.

Step 1: The Idea and Validation Phase
The first step is developing a solid idea that not only makes sense for your business, but also for the consumer. The purpose of the application from your business standpoint should be to help current customers, attract new business and hopefully make the business more profitable. Will your achieve these business goals? If your business has been successful, it is likely that people are looking for your services, and can more efficiently obtain them through a mobile app. Therefore, your goal should be to create an application that will make it even easier for people to access, need and want your services. If your company is new, or even still in the idea phase, you can use Google Keyword Planner to determine the interest in what you are trying to accomplish.

Step 2: The Look and Feature Phase
After you have an app idea that has been validated, it is time to decide what you want the app to look like and what features you would like to offer to consumers. This can be done either on paper, or if you are more technologically savvy, there are apps that can be used to help you determine the flow of your mobile app. Be as detailed as possible so that when you eventually hire a New York mobile app development company, the developer will have a good understanding of what you want. The turnaround time will be quicker and the costs will be lower. Design is incredibly important to the application development as it not only determines what the client sees, but how the client interacts with the app. It is not crucial to add in everything at this phase; features can always be added later on, either before or after launch. This mapping out process includes the flow of what a consumer will see when he or she navigates through the application. This also includes deciding what you do not need; do not include “fluff,” as this will distract consumers and add to the cost of development.

Step 3: Hire an App Developer on Long Island
Hiring a New York developer is a crucial step. Look for an app development company that has a proven record of designing aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly applications. You also want to ensure that the development team is established in the industry. Simple Google searches in the industry will ensure that you find a mobile app development company that “meshes” with your business goals and your app ideas. Check portfolios, read reviews and ask plenty of questions when consulting with the development company. Not all app developers are created equal and this decision should not be rushed as this company will ultimately determine the outcome of your business’ mobile app.

Step 4: The App is Done… Now What?
An app developer will put your product through a test phase to ensure all of the kinks are worked out prior to launch. Then, upon completion of the app, it will not just appear in the App Store on smartphones and tablets on its own. You must first create developer accounts for both Apple and Android. Both platforms charge minimal annual fees to offer your app to its consumers.  After sale of your application has begun, look for feedback and track analytics. Analytics will help you keep track of downloads and user engagement so you can begin to understand how customers are using your app and what, if anything, needs improvement. There are free tools, such as Flurry, that can help you keep track of the analytics. Keep an eye on user feedback and reviews, so you can put yourself in the mindset of the consumer to determine what will make your app more beneficial. Lastly, introduce new features if needed; you will know what is needed and/or not needed by tracking the analytics.

If you have an app idea or concept in mind and are ready to develop, or need the help of a New York mobile app design and development team, now is the time to begin. While these steps are not always followed in this precise order, they should help a business owner in the intimidating process of developing an app. The design and the development process of the app is the easy part in the trusted hands of your app developer. As long as you keep building your business and your consumer base, your app will be a success.

Blog post by Kristin @ mimvi.