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Mental Health and Mobile Apps

Mental Health and Mobile Apps

In previous posts, we explored the world of mobile applications helping first responders save lives, but did you know mobile apps can also protect your mental health? The healthcare industry has been hard at work developing mobile apps, but so has the mental health industry. I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials where you can text or talk with a therapist with your mobile device. This is just the tip of the iceberg for mobile therapy apps, but how can mobile apps improve mental health?

Breaking the Stigma (or at least bypass it)

Most patients with mental health disorders are afraid to seek treatment because of the stigma surrounding mental health. Mobile therapy apps have given patients the ability to seek help right through their phone. This type of innovation has given psychologists the ability to innovate their offerings and help people with mental health disorders without the patient fearing judgment by their peers.

You’re never alone

When you have a mobile device, you’re never alone. Mental health mobile apps allow you to be able to get in touch with anyone around the world at any time. If you feel like you need to talk to someone, you can.

Sharing Their Story

Some of the mental health issues are driven by depression and anxiety. Another way mobile apps have broken down those walls is by allowing people to share their stories anonymously. If you have heard of the Whisper app, then you know that sharing your story or experience anonymously to groups of people is possible. Mobile apps like the Whisper app can help people cope with depression and anxiety because they have a platform to share their story and still keep their identity hidden.

With all areas of the healthcare industry rushing to be up to date with the latest technologies, mobile apps are genuinely changing the way we interact and send and receive information.
No more are you the days you need to drive to your therapists’ office and hope you aren’t seen by someone you know. You can now pick up your phone and download a mobile app.

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